Thursday, February 19, 2009

Opinion on Designer PR

PR has definitely reach a new level with all the technology trends out there. This giving the PR industry an extra booze to think outside the box, too think bigger and better. This making our target market so much wider and more diverse. The PR industry has so much opportunities and sources at their disposal, it only depends on what we make of it. Stay with the boring old traditional ways of doing things or trying out and exploring the new and unknown.


  1. The new and unknown it what PR practitioners should aspire to bring to the industry. To do things differently and get the attention of their target audiences. The change that lays before PR through its change of faculty will give it access to new resources and greater oppurtunities.

    There is alot of territory for the PR industry to get into and the change that the new faculty has brought will allow it to venture into this new terrain.

  2. I agree with you.

    With the best communication tools, we can improve the PR industry and expand our network. Think not only outside the box, but broader.

  3. I also think that PR designer help public relations students to think out of the box and use their creativity. Now that we move to faculty of Informatic and Design, we have to bring in new changes.
