Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Watch this space

This space is reserved for greatness…

Sometimes life just gets you down, you feel that what people say discourage you and you start believing them, that you are not good enough to achieve success and become successful…but is that really true…can people really have so much impact on our lives and why do we give them the right and power to have so much impact on our lives. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

I’m sure each and every person had someone in their life that discouraged them at a stage in their life, told them they aren’t good enough, clever enough or smart enough…and that person had such a huge impact that you believe it until today, but why do you give them the power to have that impact on your life.

Change that around and show them that they must rather watch this space because you’re destined for success, show them that you’re much more than what they ever thought you might or can be…show them you have greatness in you and that you will prove them wrong.

And don’t do this only for them but to prove to yourself that other people don’t have a say in who you are and how great you are.

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