Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Colour of the Wind

According to Colour Therapy Healing, colour has been investigated and used for more than 2000 years and people are still learning about what affects it has on humans and the important role it plays in our everyday lives: “We are in a world where colours dominate our lives, from reading signs on the road to seeing if fruit is ripe to eat. It even affects our mood.” (colourthereapyhealing:2008)

The wind is explained as air in motion. Wind Energy explained that, “wind is produced by uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun.” Wind has been around forever and ever, since ancient times. “Over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River.” (windenergy: 2008)

You are probably wondering why I gave you this introduction and how does the two connect…well this is how I see it.

God has been around since the beginning when everything was created beautifully, you can’t see God but you can feel His presence like you feel the wind and this having an affect on your mood just like colour. The wind is my insurance and my comfort that He is really there. The direction the wind blows, how strong the wind blows, and the heat of the wind, what you feel and see when the wind blows is all God.

What is your take on this statement that I’m making…do you feel God when the wind is blowing a certain colour?

1 comment:

  1. God is the creater of all, he was there in the beginning and he created the wind so it is part of him.

    I do think that the wind can affect our moods like if we see it do something funny like blowing someones hat off and they run after it. That can also be an oppurtunity that God takes to direct us into a certain direction for us to see something that affects our lives. I do think that God and the wind works hand in hand and he is part of it
