Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We are what we do

I believe we are what we do by “changing the world one small action at a time.” (wearewhatwedo: 2009)

In the movie Hansie the school principle said something truly important, he asked the boys in the assembly the following: “What makes great people great: Being leaders of society, making a difference in the world. We need to constantly build the world and the people around us. The world is anxiously waiting for heroes to rise up, the question is, are you going to be one of them?” (Hansie: 2009)

If we do nothing we are nothing, if we do everything we are everything. Don’t wait for someone else to do something, take the leadership and just do it. It is the only way things will really get done. If you feel passionate about something act on those feelings. People are so used to waiting for someone else or thinking someone else will do it, but the truth is…no they will not, you are the person everyone is waiting for, you can make the change.

If everyone can get this mindset so much can happen; the world might just become a better place. “You have to become the change you want to see in this World.” (Gandhi)

The main philosophy behind, we are what we do is:
“Small actions x lots of people = big change.” (wearewhatwedo: 2009)


  1. A very inspiring look at the impact that a single person can make. I completely agree that we need to act on the things we feel so passionately about and start there, instead of waiting for another person to do it and in the end nothing happens.

    We all know what our strengths are and its about time that we use it for the greater good. Even the smallest change makes the greatest impact.

  2. That was inspiring and I do agree with you. We should take up the challenge and put honesty and good intentions into the things we do. We should take initiative.

    I enjoyed reading your post. I appreciate the way you linked everything together, it makes for interesting reading.
