Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

“Not all who wander are lost.” This statement is made by J.R.R. Tolkien.

The question is what does it mean to you as person?
To me it means that, not all who wander are lost, some people have no direction in life, no ambition and no drive, and that is why they are wandering. Not because they don’t know where to go but because they don’t want to go anywhere. People sometimes look as if they are wandering but actually they are just not doing anything.

It is important for us to keep our goals and ambitions in line and work towards them each and every single day, and if we get tired just to work even harder to reach them, otherwise we start wandering and we don’t want to loose our way or direction to what we are working for in life.

It is important to remember the following statement to keep us from wandering. “Where did we come from, what are we and where are we going.” (unknown) If we keep ourselves on the road of hard work, working towards that which is important to us in life we can only reach success.


  1. What you have said is so true. I, to this day, still don't know what I want to do or be in my life. I picked this course out of a hat, but I am working towards a future, that's what counts. Exploring and learning is a crucial part of life.

  2. I agree with you. We all have a mission in life. We must set goals and reach for the stars. Otherwise, why do we live?

    It is important not to wandering around. . . it can get dangerous.
